
Victor Preciado

Associate Professor and Graduate Chair


Honors and Awards: 2017 National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2018 Best Paper Award by the IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2019 Best Paper Award by the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering runner up Research Expertise: Networks, Dynamics, and Data Sciences Victor M. Preciado is an Associate Professor and Graduate Chair in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is affiliated with the Networked and Social Systems Engineering program, the Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences, and the Applied Math and Computational Science program. Victor received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the supervision of Prof. George Verghese and was a postdoctoral researcher at the GRASP lab working with Prof. Ali Jadbabaie. His main research interests lie at the intersection of Networks, Dynamics, and Data Sciences; in particular, in using innovative mathematical and computational approaches to model and control complex, high-dimensional dynamical systems. Relevant applications of this line of research can be found in the context of socio-technical networks, healthcare operations, critical technological infrastructure, and brain dynamics. Member of: Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences Affiliations: Applied Mathematics and Computational Science Education: PhD Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2008 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology